Providing sound independent beef nutrition and management consulting services to cattle producers and the industry.

“With increasing costs and tighter margins, maintaining a high level of productive efficiency is needed to be profitable. Providing a balanced nutrition program is a big part of the management plan to meet these goals.”
- Barry Yaremcio
Yaremcio Ag Consulting is an independent nutrition service for cow-calf and backgrounding operations. Using feed test results, feeding programs are developed for the various types of animals on a farm. Home grown feeds are used as much as possible to meet animal needs and minimize winter feeding costs. When custom minerals, premixes, or supplements are required, they are designed to meet requirements and then are tendered out for pricing.
feed & water samples
build rations
custom mineral development
optimize use of homegrown feeds to minimize costs
inventory control
develop grain mixes and/or total mixed rations
breakdown of costs between homegrown and purchased feeds
use herd production and health records to evaluate herd performance
cattle facilities
silage pits
cattle herd productivity
evaluation herd records
Touring your farm or ranch is a critical part of evaluating your operation and understanding your management objectives. We'll talk about feeding programs, cattle management, and sort through the details to provide you with a sound plan to increase production and decrease costs.
Over the years, we have researched and delivered many presentations to various producers and at professional meetings. Topics have ranged from animal nutrition and management, forage quality, development of replacement heifers, and feeding 4-H calves.